Upasana Maheshwari

Upasana Maheshwari, Ph.D
(Postdoctoral researcher 2020-present)

I completed my Ph.D in developmental neurobiology from FMI, Basel with Prof. Filippo Rijli. With the aim to combine neuro-development with disease progression, I joined Keller group in 2020 as a postdoctoral researcher. I am currently chasing progression of primary familial brain calcification and working on various projects in the lab to unravel the role of astrocytes. I thoroughly enjoy working with microscopes and looking through fluorescently labelled sections. I grew up in India, where I also did my undergraduate and Masters studies and developed my love for developmental neurobiology. When away from the lab, I love to explore cozy restaurants, cook food, paint, chase colorful birds and go for walks to explore nature. On weekends I am mostly found in sport complexes, failing at racquet sports. I can have useful discussions only after a cup of tea or coffee :D.   

You can find my publications @ Upasana Maheshwari – Google Scholar or https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7516-3099 and you can connect with me via linkedIn