Recent Publications

Brain macrophages in vascular health and dysfunction
M Bijnen, S Sridhar, A Keller, M Greter.
Trends Immunol . 2025 Jan;46(1):46-60. doi: 10.1016/ Epub 2024 Dec 27.


Targeting TREM2 signaling shows limited impact on cerebrovascular calcification
S Sridhar
, Y Zhou, A Ibrahim, S Bertazzo, T Wyss, A Swain, U MaheshwariSF Huang, M Colonna, A Keller.
Life Science Alliance Oct 2024, 8 (1) e202402796

Microglia protect against age-associated brain pathologies
Munro DAD, Bestard-Cuche N, McQuaid C, Chagnot A, Shabestari SK, Chadarevian JP, Maheshwari U, Szymkowiak S, Morris K, Mohammad M, Corsinotti A, Bradford B, Mabbott N, Lennen RJ, Jansen MA, Pridans C, McColl BW, Keller A, Blurton-Jones M, Montagne A, Williams A, Priller J.
Neuron. 2024 Aug 21;112(16):2732-2748.e8.

Inorganic phosphate exporter heterozygosity in mice leads to brain vascular calcification, microangiopathy, and microgliosis
U Maheshwari, JM Mateos, U Weber‐Stadlbauer, R Ni, V Tamatey, S Sridhar, A Restrepo, P A Jong, SF Huang, J Schaffenrath, S A Stifter, F Szeri, M Greter, H L Koek, A Keller.
Brain Pathology 33 (6), e13189

Functional gene delivery to and across brain vasculature of systemic AAVs with endothelial-specific tropism in rodents and broad tropism in primates
X Chen, D A Wolfe, D S Bindu, M Zhang, N Taskin, D Goertsen, T F Shay, E E Sullivan, SF Huang, S R Kumar, C M Arokiaraj, V M Plattner, L J Campos, J K Mich, D Monet, V Ngo, X Ding, V Omstead, N Weed, Y Bishaw, B B Gore, E S Lein, A Akrami, C Miller, B P Levi, A Keller, J T Ting, A S Fox, C Eroglu, V Gradinaru.
Nature Communications volume 14, Article number: 3345 (2023)

Aquaporin 4 is differentially increased and depolarized in association with tau and amyloid-beta
V Kecheliev, L Boss, U Maheshwari, U Konietzko, A Keller, D Razansky, R M Nitsch, J Klohs, R Ni.
Life Sci . 2023 May 15:321:121593

Altered hemodynamics and vascular reactivity in a mouse model with severe pericyte deficiency
J Stobart, E Erlebach, C Glueck, SF Huang, M Barrett, M Li, S Vinogradov, Y Zarb, J Klohs, A Keller,
B Weber.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 2022 Dec 22;271678X221147366.

Adult-induced genetic ablation distinguishes PDGFB roles in blood-brain barrier maintenance and development
E Vazquez-Liebanas, K Nahar, G Bertuzzi, A Keller, C Betsholtz, MA Mäe.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 42 (2), 264-279

Public volume electron microscopy data: An essential resource to study the brain microvasculature
SK Bonney, V Coelho-Santos, SF Huang, M Takeno, J Kornfeld, A Keller, Andy Y Shih.
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 518

The Interplay Between Brain Vascular Calcification and Microglia
U Maheshwari, SF Huang, S Sridhar, A Keller.
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 14

Molecular signature of brain arteriovenous malformation hemorrhage: a systematic review
MR Germans, W Sun, M Sebök, A Keller, L Regli.
World Neurosurgery 157, 143-151

Characterization of the blood–brain barrier in genetically diverse laboratory mouse strains
J Schaffenrath, SF Huang, T Wyss, M Delorenzi, A Keller.
Fluids and Barriers of the CNS 18 (1), 1-152021

Distinct signatures of calcium activity in brain mural cells
C Glück, KD Ferrari, N Binini, A Keller, AS Saab, JL Stobart, B Weber.
Elife 10, e705912021

Pericytes regulate vascular immune homeostasis in the CNS
O Török, B Schreiner, J Schaffenrath, HC Tsai, U Maheshwari, SA Stifter, C Welsh, A Amorim, S Sridhar, Sebastian G Utz, W Mildenberger, S Nassiri, M Delorenzi, A Aguzzi, M H Han, M Greter, B Becher, A Keller.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (10)

Single-cell analysis of blood-brain barrier response to pericyte loss
MA Mäe, L He, S Nordling, E Vazquez-Liebanas, K Nahar, B Jung, X Li, BC Tan, JC Foo, A Cazenave-Gassiot, MR Wenk, Y Zarb, B Lavina, SE Quaggin, M Jeansson, C Gu, DL Silver, M Vanlandewijck, EC Butcher, A Keller, C Betsholtz.
Circulation research 128 (4), e46-e62

The dural sinus hub: more than just a brain drain
S Mundt, A Keller, M Greter
Cell 184 (4), 858-860

Blood-brain barrier alterations in human brain tumors revealed by genome-wide transcriptomic profiling

J Schaffenrath, T Wyss, L He, EJ Rushing, M Delorenzi, F Vasella, L Regli, M Neidert, A Keller
Neuro-oncology. 2021 Dec 1;23(12):2095-2106.

Microglia control small vessel calcification via TREM2
Y Zarb, S Sridhar, S Nassiri, SG Utz, J Schaffenrath, U Maheshwari, E J Rushing, K P R Nilsson, M Delorenzi, M Colonna, M Greter, A Keller
Science Advances 7 (9), eabc4898

SWI and phase imaging reveal intracranial calcifications in the P301L mouse model of human tauopath
R Ni, Y Zarb, G A Kuhn, R Müller, Y Yundung, R M Nitsch, L Kulic, A Keller, J Klohs
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 33, 769-781

Role of the GLUT1 glucose transporter in postnatal CNS angiogenesis and blood-brain barrier integrity
K Veys, Z Fan, M Ghobrial, A Bouché, M García-Caballero, K Vriens, N V Conchinha, A Seuwen, F Schlegel, T Gorski, M Crabbé, P Gilardoni, R Ardicoglu, J Schaffenrath, C Casteels, G De Smet, I Smolders, K Van Laere, E D Abel, S-M Fendt, A Schroeter, J Kalucka, A R Cantelmo, T Wälchli, A Keller, P Carmeliet,
K De Bock
Circulation research 127 (4), 466-482

Outcome Comparison Between Surgically Treated Brain Arteriovenous Malformation Hemorrhage and Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage
W Sun, MR Germans, M Sebök, J Fierstra, Z Kulcsar, A Keller, L Regli
World neurosurgery 139, e807-e811

New Insights in the Complexity and Functionality of the Neurovascular Unit
J Schaffenrath, A Keller
Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology

How activity-induced elevations of potassium affect calcium signals in pericytes
C Glück, KD Ferrari, A Keller, J Stobart, B Weber
Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism 39, 290-290

Ossified blood vessels in primary familial brain calcification elicit a neurotoxic astrocyte response
Y Zarb
, U Weber-Stadlbauer, D Kirschenbaum, D R Kindler, J Richetto, D Keller, R Rademakers, D W Dickson, A Pasch, T Byzova, K Nahar, F F Voigt, F Helmchen, A Boss, A Aguzzi, J Klohs, A Keller
Brain 142 (4), 885-902

Pericytes in primary familial brain calcification
Y Zarb, FD Franzoso, A Keller
Pericyte Biology in Disease, 247-264